CH Eldorado's Hot 'N Sassy CD, JH, WC, OD "Sassy"
CH Eldorado’s Hot Streak "Streaker"
CH Eldorado's Deepriver Desertwind CDX "Sahara"

Pictures sent in by all my wonderful companion homes!!

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Peggy Bowers & "Flynn"
OTCH7 Eldorado's Magnum PI UDX18, PUDX2, OGM, BN, GN, GI, VER, RN, TD, FDC, ACT1, THDA!
Flynn turned 10 on June 9th – the next week he went on to win the UKC National Invitational Utility division for the second year in a row and placed 3rd in the Open division. He finished out the weekend having to battle for HIT and in the end, he won two runoffs earning HIT and HC combined each day!

D'BEST earns his JH title in 4 straight passes in short order.
Much appreciation to Connor McNamara

Congratulations to Gayle Webster & "Riley," Eldorado's Into The Woods RN MX MXJ MJB XF CGC & well on his way to a MACH!!

HUGE Congratulations to co-owner Judy Inman on “D’Best’s”Championship!!
From his 1st points to the last major in 6 weekends of showing, he FLEW thru & is now:
CH Eldorado’s -Promises D’Best is Yet to Come at 18 months old!!
He is now in VA training for some titles at the end of his name…
Thank you to Janice Hayes & her incredible TEAM D’Best.

“Packer” is on a roll… Eldorado’s Packer Power won WD on 6/9 &
Res WD on 6/11-12 at the Fisherville shows.
BIG thank you to Paul Clas on a job well done!!

“Walker” GCHB Avalor-Eldorado’s the Force Continues is BACK!!
Wilmington KC 4/30 Select & Penn Treaty 5/2 BOB
Union Cty KC 5/27-28 BOB with Select Staten Island KC on 5/29
Superbly shown by Lisa Gallizzo
Shenandoah KC 6/10 Select & 6/11 BOB & Group 2
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HUGE Congratulations to "Kixx" CH Eldorado's Rock My World CGC (Warnock/Browning) on his acquiring 3 JH legs towards his JH title,
including 1 at our 2021 GRCA National Specialty
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HUGE Congratulations to Mary Dean, co-owner on
CH Eldorado’s Slam Dunk, MH, WCX, DDHF “Slammer's"
Master Hunter and Dual Dog Hall of Fame titles!
Congratulations to "Zach",
RACH Eldorado's Lucky Solid Gold CDX RM2 RAE2 CGC TKN
on ranking 4th in the nation for Rally and being in the AKC Top Dog Ranking.
Zach will be competing in the Rally Master National in 2020.
Zach is proudly owned & loved by Randall Robinson.
HUGE Congratulations to “Flynn” & Peggy on their continuing accomplishments. Peggy writes, "Just wanted to update you on Flynn’s latest accomplishments… Despite Covid Flynn had an awesome 2021. I recently found out that he is a first-round invitee to AKC’s National Obedience Championship. This year, we also dabbled in UKC. In the 2021 final rankings he was the #5 Novice dog and to my surprise the was the #1 Open and #1 Utility dog!! So, he has earned the privilege of competing at the national level in both AKC and UKC this summer. So proud of my boy!"
Flynn is now OTCH5 Eldorado's Magnum P. I. UDX12 OGM BN GN GO RN VER TD ACT1 FDC THDA OBHF!
SO PROUD of this Dynamic Duo!!
Congratulations to Dano for his new AKC Scent titles HDN, SCA, NW1
Dano is now GCH Eldorado’s Hawaii Five-O SWN HDN SCA NW1
Co-owned with Leslie Gordon
GCHBU-CH Eldorado’s BootScoot’N Boogie “Brooks”
is a new Bronze Grand Champion!
Brooks won BOB over 18 TOP winning specials at the
Gr. Fredericksburg KC show &
Select the following day at the Charlottesville-Albemarle KC show.
Good luck to Gov (Eldorado’s Hawaiian Tropical Storm MH, WCX, (AKC CH pointed)) at the Master National! Gov qualified, passing 11 consecutive MH tests.
Gov is owned by Jim Lasley and co-owned with Chris Browning.
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Congratulations to Peggy Bowers and
OTCH Eldorado's Magnum P.I. UDX6 OM9 BN GN GO VER RN TD ACT1 THD OBHF “Flynn”
on being Front & Finish #1 Open A Obedience Dog
*Read the Article! *

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Jim & Rugby on earning
their Senior Hunter title!
Eldorado Carolina Rugby, SH "Rugby" (Lasley/Browning)
Rugby is now training for his Master Hunter

Congratulations to Sally Hall and "Zack" Eldorado’s Hall of Fame CDX, MH, AJP, AXP, WC on their CDX with 3 1st placements!
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Congratulations to Beth & "Jessie" Eldorado's Got A Piece Of My Heart CDX GN
on their new CDX - With two 1st placements a 4th!

AmCH, U-Ch Eldorado's N Fawnboros a Ray of Light "Flame"!
Flame now has 24 GRCH points with BOB a Specialty weekend,
multi BOS & multi Selects. Just needs 1 major for her GRCH!
Flame finished with 5 majors (Back2Back2Back majors)
at the competitive Newcastle PA shows 5/25, 5/26, 5/27
with the final major going WB/BOW/BOS over several bitch specials!
Also, WB for 3 pts at the Chester Valley KC 5/11 & 4 pts at the Bucks KC 5/4
THANK YOU Kendra Huber, handler extraordinaire,
Co-Owner & Co-Breeder Michele Joseph for her 1st homebred CH!
Watch for Flame as special at a show near you!!

OTCH (Multi HIT) SHR Eldorado's Get Up 'N Go OM1 SH OBHF CCA "Blast"
Blast's Stats!
• 142 OTCH PTS. All but 10 were from Utility. |
• Earned a OM1 from AKC and a OBHF from GRCA. |
• Ranked 30th out of 50 top Golden Retrievers by AKC for the qualifying period
for the Obedience Invitational by number of OTCH pts. |
Congratulations Mary and "Blast"on their new OTCH!!
OTCH (Multi HIT) SHR Eldorado's Get Up 'N Go OM1 SH OBHF "Blast" (Dean/Browning) 1st place in Utility B, 1st place in Open B (199 score), High Combined and a HIT all at the RDOC Trial on Saturday in Stafford, VA!!

BISS Am GCH/U-CH/Int. CH Eldorado's Promises D'Best H3x SDHF "Tonka H3x" Tonka H3x" ends up # 9 Breed & #11 All Breed for 2010 Congratulations to Judy Inman(co-owner) of Promise Goldens ![]() |

Congratulations to Bob, Dottie Anne & Stoli!
Can CH Kairings Eldorado Deep River Ketel One on the Rocks
"Stoli" (VonSuskil/Browning)

New Canadian Champion!
Multi Specialty winning, HIT Golden @ CGRC supported entry
with multi 1st place wins in both Rally & Open B. Junior Hunter!
To compete in conformation, obedience, & hunting in 2014!!

Congratulations to Sally & Piper a NEW MASTER HUNTER!!

Last update June 21, 2022
Copyright © Eldorado Goldens 2022
Do not remove photos or graphics from this site.
All rights reserved.