Eldorado's Foundation    

  To see more photos of Sassy...click here 

CH Eldorado's Hot N Sassy JH, WC, OD Multi BOSS & JAMS




Sassy finished quickly with a Specialty BW/BOS over Specials. As a move-up she was awarded a JAM At the 1993 GRCA Nationals.  Two weeks later she won BOS at the Garden State Specialty where she repeated in 1994.  At the 1994 GRCA Eastern Regional she was awarded a JAM where she repeated as a Veteran in 2000.  She also  won Best Veteran and won the Brood bitch class. As a producer, she produced 3 OFA excellents, the balance being goods!!! Multiple Champions, and obedience titled get as well.  A TRUE ambassador to the breed!!!

Pedigree Link


CH Eldorado's Klass Act  CD, JH, OD




Littermate to Ch Eldorado’s Hot N Sassy CD JH WC OD

BOW 1994 Lenape Specialty

Multi Specialty class winner, Multi Group Placements, Obedience class winner.  Dam of multi Champions and multi-titled get

Pedigree Link


  To see more photos of Tonka...click here 

Am./Can. CH Summit's Truck 'n Eldorado CD, SDHF, OS





Littermate to Ch. Summit’s Carrera Dom Perignon SDHF, BIS, BISS.  BOB ‘96 GRCA Nationals, BOS ’97, ’98, 03, 04 GRCA Nationals, JAM ’00, 01 Nationals, BOB ’99 Westminster KC Show, Winner ’98 Top Twenty.  Tonka was a multiple Group winner as well as multiple JAMS  including back-to back ’03, ’04 Lenape Specialty wins from the Veterans Class!!!  As a class dog he won multiple Specialty classes including ’96 Nationals Am-Bred class.  Tonka’s greatness comes as a stud dog…being one of the TOP producers of OFA Excellent hips in the Country. Producing  some of the top conformation and working dogs as well!  He contributed much to our Breed!!!!

Pedigree Link


CH Rizer's Impressive Eldorado


(6/9/91 - 12/2003)

Multi Specialty winner, including a Specialty BOB from the classes over Top 10 Specials. Known for his happy-upbeat attitude.  Sire of Ch and multi-titled get.


 Pedigree Link


CH Eldorado's Luv 'T Tumble 






Multi Specialty wins & Group placements.  Dam of Specialty winning and working pups.


Pedigree Link

  To see more photos of Streaker...click here 

CH Eldorado's Hot Streak  OD




Multi Specialty winner, Multi Group Placements,  Dam of Multi Champions and multi -titled get.

A top producer of OFA excellent hips  

Pedigree Link


Eldorado's Tumble'N Brooke - "BROOKE"




Multi Specialty winner.  Dam of  2 Champions with multi titles.

Now owned by Crystal Nolen

 Pedigree Link


  To see more photos of Nitro...click here 

 CH Summits N Eldorado Skyrocket JH - "NITRO"

Pedigree Link

(10/5/95 - 9/15/2005)

Multi group winner, sire of Champions and multi-titled get

Littermate to Ch Summits Crodile Rock  “Burbank”  (BOS GRCA National Specialty winner)

OFA Hips - Good,  Eye and Heart clear (Neutered)


Eldorado's Ima Hott Rod - "SPEEDO"

Pedigree Link

(4/14/97 - 7/13/2007)

9 points  - Sibling to 4 Champions and 3 OFA Excellent hips

Sire of Ch. Lycinan's Give Me Liberty CD - WB 2003 Lenape Specialty

OFA Hips - Excellent,  Eye and Heart clear

CH Eldorado's Don't Cha Just Luv Me - "JUSTIN"

Pedigree Link

(9/6/97 - 5/12/2008)

Finished quickly entirely from Bred-By with a Specialty BOW.  BVISSweeps and Best Veteran 2005 Atlanta Specialty.  2nd Veteran Sweeps 8-10 2005 GRCA National Specialty BVISSweeps 2005 GSGRC Specialty.  Sire of "Charley", "Hula" and  “Star”


 OFA Hips - Good,  Eye and Heart clear


CH Eldorado's  Sizzl'n Hott BVISSweeps - "SIZZLE"

Pedigree Link
(4/14/1997 - 7/10/2009)

Multi Specialty Winner, Multi Group Placements. Multi Champions and OFA Excellent siblings. Dam of Multi Specialty winners, including a multi BISSweeps winner. Finished with 3 majors entirely form Bred-by with Multi BOB over top Specials from the classes 

 OFA Hips - Good,  Eye and Heart clear


Honeylakes Eldorado Turbo Porsha  - "PORSHA"

Pedigree Link

Dam of BPIS “Niki” with Multi Specialty wins. 

 Co-owned with Michelle Joseph

 OFA Hips - Good,  Eye and Heart clear


CH Eldorado's One Over Par

Multiple Specialty winner.
Littermate to Ch’s and working titled siblings. 
Sire of BISS CH Lycinan’s Tea Time, CD and multi-titled get.
 Producing beautiful structure, movement and attitude!! 

more photos .....click here

OFA Hips - Excellent,  Eye and Heart clear


Eldorado's For Your Eyes Only

Pedigree Link

Multi specialty wins.  Pointed entirely from Bred-By.  Dam of National Sweeps winner

 OFA Hips - Good,  Eye and Heart clear

Eldorado's A Hard Act To Follow  OAP OJP AXP - "CORIE"

Pedigree Link
(3/28/1998 - 10/1/2010)

Dam to numerous multi-titled get. Currently running Excellent Agility. Watch for her to finish her title soon....  Owned by Karen and Rick Poh  click here for more photos

 OFA Hips - Good,  Eye and Heart clear

CH Eldorado GldnDomes Hot Tamalle - "CHILI"

Pedigree Link
(9/19/2000 - 4/30/2011)

Multi Specialty wins.  Sibling to 4 other Chs, & multi-titled dogs with 6 other OFA Excellents. Co-owned with Diane Lenk

 OFA Hips - Excellent,  Eye and Heart clear


Am CH/U-GRCh./Inter. Ch Eldorado's Adirondack Timberline - "TIMBER"

Pedigree Link
(9/10/2004 - 1/29/2016)

Multi Specialty wins.  Multi UKC BSS
#1 Golden UKC Premier Show 2007 & #1 to date 2008
Top 10 UKC for 2006 & 2007
1st Regular 12-18 and Sweeps 12-15  2005 Atlanta Specialty
12-15 Sweeps class winner at the 2005 GRCA National Specialty
BOS Sweeps winner 2005 Garden State Specialty

more photos ..... click here

Sire of Am CH/U-GRCh Eldorado's Rough Rider of Crosswinds CGC BISS "Teddy" and Am CH Int. Ch Eldorado's Give Me Liberty Or... CGC "Patrick"
Click here
to see more of what Timber produced.

OFA Hips - Good, OFA Elbows -  Normal, Eye and Heart Clear

(Fozen semen available)

Co-owned with Debbie Eib/UKC Handler


Eldorado's Ima Alot Too Hott RN - "FURNO"

Pedigree Link
(7/31/2003 - 9/11/2016)

Multi Specialty wins -
Championship pointed with BOB from the classes
Sire of AmCH, U-Ch Eldorado's N Fawnboros a Ray of Light "Flame"!

OFA Hips - Good, OFA Elbows -  Normal, Eye and Heart Clear

(Fozen semen available)

Copyright © Eldorado Goldens 2004-2016

Do not remove photos or graphics from this site.  All rights reserved.